Thursday, August 30, 2012

Social media tips for writers - #writersmtip

I've started up a new hash tag that aims to give social media advice for both published and aspiring writers. Look for #writersmtip (no it's not S&M tips for those trying to cash in on the Fifty Shades of Grey).

A couple of months a go I presented at Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival on social media etiquette and that lead me to start freelancing in social media strategy for published authors. I've nearly finished the plan for my first client, which is very exciting. So playing a bit more in this sandpit, and inspired by Adrien-Luc Sander's, aka @smoulderingsea, regular #editortips, I wanted to get a hash tag going (imitation is the highest form of flatter =D).

Once a week I'll collate the tips I've shared on the blog. Some are for writers who are aiming for publication and some are for authors who already grace the bookshelves. I started with Facebook, so here are this week's:
@S_M_Johnston Tip of the day: Don't create a Facebook Page because you think you should. If you don't regularly update it then it's useless #writersmtip
 @S_M_Johnston Think really hard about FB pages - do I need it? And, will I maintain it? #writersmtip

 @S_M_Johnston For an example of a well executed FB page, check out @Wendy_Higgins Sweet Evil page.  #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston If the author's wall has mainly personal posts it's probably not a public profile. #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston Check the author's wall. If it's private then it's not a public profile.#writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston If the author has lots of friends (like thousands) then it's probably a public profile. #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston If the author has only a few hundred friends it's probably a private profile #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston Check these things out BEFORE you send a friend request #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston If it's a private profile, don't send a friend request unless you know them. Talking to them at a conference doesn't count #writersmtip

@S_M_JohnstonIf they accept a friend request, don't private message them, especially with a request to read your MS #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston FB writers’ groups can be a great place to find critique partners and network. #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston Remember even it’s a closed group your posts in a group will appear on your newsfeed. #writersmtip

@S_M_Johnston The only way posts in a group won’t appear on your newsfeed is if the group is secret. #writersmtip

If you have any questions you can hit me up on Twitter using the #writersmtip or ask here on the blog.

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