Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Website Launch and Gigantic Giveaway

To celebrate the launch of my new website "The Weird Writing World of S.M.Johnston" I'm having a giveaway.
Firstly I'd like to thank and acknowledge my great friend Evie who is responsible for this amazing creation. I look at code and tremble, where as Evie owns it and bends it to her will. She is beyond awesome. Secondly, I'd like to thank my fellow YAtopians Chanelle Gray, Kelley York, Sarah Nicolas, Kelley Vitollo and Wendy Higgins who have donated prizes for my site launch giveaway.

So, the giveaway. Up for grabs is:
Note - this is not all the prizes for one winner. There will be a winner for each prize and you can win more than one prize, so extra entries help.

To enter you must be a follower of this blog and promote the competition either via a blog post, twitter post or Facebook status. But there are ways you can get bonus entries:
  • Subscribe to posts via email +1
  • Follow me on Twitter @S_M_Johnston +1
  • Follow Evie's blog +1 (and see who made this awesome website)
  • Follow my group blog YAtopia +1
  • Follow my group blog's Twitter @YAtopia_blog +1
  • Follow Chanelle's blog +1
  • Follow Chanelle on Twitter +1
  • Follow Kelley York's blog +1
  • Follow Kelley on Twitter @elixing +1
  • Follow Sarah's blog +1
  • Follow Sarah on Twitter @sarah_nicolas +1
  • Follow Kelley Vitollo's blog +1
  • Follow Kelley Twitter @KellyVitollo+1
  • Follow Wendy's blog +1
  • Follow Wendy on Twitter @Wendy_Higgins +1
  • Follow Leigh's blog. +1
  • Follow Leigh on Twitter @Leigh_Fallon +1
  • Pre-order Wendy Higgins' debut novel Sweet Evil +1 (cause I've had the pleasure of being a Beta reader for her and it's awesome beyond belief). You can find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
  • Follow DJ's blog.
  • Follow DJ on Twitter @LifeinFiction.
So to enter include:

A comment on what books you would buy if you win the e-voucher and a note of which critiques your interested in (everyone is entered for all other prizes)
Follower confirmation:
Promotion confirmation:
Entries (if you have a + for a pre-order or email subscription you will need to email me your receipt if you win):

Entries close on Valentine's Day, February 14th, at midnight. So feel the love and get your entry in.

post signature


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is GORGEOUS!!!!! LOVE

  2. Books:
    Beautiful by: Amy Reed
    Crazy by: Amy Reed (New)
    Live Through This by Mindi Scott (New and am excited to read)

    Name: Jasmine Williams (Isabel Davis)
    Email: Uniquejaz@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: I followed everyone on the list. Using my Uniquejaz@gmail.com and it comes up Isabel Davis.
    Promotion confirmation:https://twitter.com/#!/byIsabelDavis
    Entries (if you have a + for a pre-order or email subscription you will need to email me your receipt if you win): + 16 (I followed everyone's blog)

  3. )

    Name: Raven Paramour
    Email: ravenparamore@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: I have followed everyone's blog. Using my ravenparamore@gmail.com and it comes up Raven Paramour.
    Promotion confirmation: www.facebook.com/raven.paramour
    Entires: +9. I have followed everyone's blog.
    •An ebook copy (preorder) of Sweet Evil courtesty of YAtopian and Crescent Moon author Kelley Vitollo.

  4. IT LOOKS SO AWESOME, SHARON! I could only see it on my phone last night, but check this out! Evie did an awesome design, great job Evie! I'm so excited for you! Let's see... I'd buy Bitter End by Jennifer Brown, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, and The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. smith.

    Name: Meagan
    Email: meagrivers(@)gmail(.)com

    Follower confirmation: followed everyone's blog! it should show as Meagan or Meagan Rivers.

    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/mgnwrites/status/164725388256346112

    Entries: +17, followed all blogs and twitter, and signed up for e-mail alerts!

  5. LOVE the layout, Sharon!! Gorgeous. :)

  6. Wow this is great
    Books: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
    A certain slant of light by Laura Whitcomb
    The Icarus girl by Helen Oyeyemi

    A comment on what books you would buy if you win the e-voucher and a note of which critiques your interested in (everyone is entered for all other prizes)
    Name: Tlotlo Tsamaase
    Follower confirmation: followed everyone's twitter should show as Bel29W
    Promotion confirmation:https://twitter.com/#!/
    Entries : +6 followed twitter accounts

  7. This looks amazing, Sharon. Evie, you are amazing! Eek!

    Books on my to-read that I'd want to buy are The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, and Moonglass by Jessi Kirby.

    I'm not at the query stage yet, so don't put me in for that. But I would love the first chapter critique!

    Name: Marisa
    Email: mleedancer12(at)aol(dot)com

    Follower Confirmation: Should say Marisa

    Promo Confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/mleedancerr12/status/164801673838075905

    Entries: +16 I follow all the YATopian's blogs and twitters :)

  8. You are the Coding and Layout Queen~

  9. Name: A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer
    Email: kfotinoshoyer(at)gmail(com)
    Follower confirmation: followed as Kassel Fotinos-Hoyer
    Promotion confirmation:https://www.facebook.com/Kassel?ref=tn_tnmn
    Entries +2 for Leigh's blog and YAtopia blog

    I am interested in all queries and critiques :) And if I won the voucher I would buy Lauren DeStefano's Fever!

  10. Name: Emily Ouillette
    Email: eouillette@hotmail.com
    Follower confirmation: I followed with my email emilyouillette@gmail.com
    Promotion confirmation: I promoted it on my facebook. http://www.facebook.com/ouillette
    Entries: 10+ I did everyone's twitters and some blogs :D

    I'm interested in all the critiques and queries! If I won the voucher... I don't know what I'd buy ^_^

    Hope I did all that right!

  11. Great blog, Sharon! And thank you for the giveaway!
    Hmm...I'd probably buy Getting Over Garret Delaney by Abby McDonald, The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen, and a pre-order of Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. :D I'd be most interested in the query critique, too.

    Name: Michelle Scheponik
    Email: michellescheponik@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: Should show up as Michelle Scheponik. I followed through my Gmail account.
    Promotion confirmation: http://meeeshelley.blogspot.com/2012/02/contest-over-down-under.html
    Entries: +17, followed all blogs and twitter accounts, and signed up for email alerts!

  12. :) As usual, Evie has done marvelous work.

    I'd enter the contest, but I have absolutely no idea what I want, so I just tweeted about it to help a sister out.


  13. I love the website. The header is gorgeous!

    Name: Lori M Lee
    Email: lorimlee82 at gmail dot com
    Follower confirmation: GFC - Lori M Lee
    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/LoriMLee/status/165119349378654208
    Entries: +12

  14. Name: Rachel Desilets
    Email: Rdesilets(at)gmail(dot)com
    Follower confirmation: RADesilets on GCF
    Promotion confirmation: http://radwrites.blogspot.com/2012/02/two-incredible-opportunities.html
    Following on twitter (@Broken_Fallacy): You +1 :)
    YAtopia_blog, Chanelle, Kelley Y., Sarah, Kelley V., Wendy, Leigh +7
    On blogger/GCF, I follow: YATopia, Sarah Nicolas, Leigh Fallon, Kelley Vitollo, Wendy Higgins, Chanelle, Evie, and Kelley York. +8
    So +16 ^_^

  15. Name: Diarmuid Carroll
    Email: diarmuidc3@hotmail.com
    Follower confirmation: I followed all the blogs and Twitter pages (Diarmuid Carroll & DiarmuidDWriter)
    Promotion confirmation: I promoted on my Twitter account (DiarmuidDWriter)

    I hope everything's okay, if it's not just tell me - I didn't preorder the book, though. (Chanelle Gray helped me!)


  16. As always, Evie did an incredible job. Gorgeous blog, Sharon! I love it. :D And thank you for the awesome awesome giveaway.

    I would probably get . . . hmm. Probably Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith, and Incarnate by Jodi Meadows. :D As for critiques, just he 10-page/first chapter one, because I'm not quite ready to query yet.

    Name: Lexie Botzum
    E-mail: nerdfighterwriter@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: Lexie on GFC (I've followed this, Evie's, and YAtopian)
    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/LexieB2/status/165208220267323393

    I have +14 because for some reason Twitter wouldn't let me follow a few of them. :(

  17. Name: Nicole Zoltack
    Email: Nicole.Zoltack@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: Nicole Zoltack through GFC
    Promotion confirmation: tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/NicoleZoltack/status/165200484729241600 and put on FB
    Entries: +16 for following everyone's blog and twitter.

    I would buy the Game of Thrones books. I've been meaning to get them.
    And I would love to win any of the critiques!

  18. I want Sweet Evil and Carrier of the Mark.

  19. Name:Sara Thompson
    Email: sarapogue at hotmail
    Follower confirmation: I'm on blogger as Sara Thompson and twitter as Sara D Thompson
    Promotion confirmation: tweeted which jumps to FB
    Entries: 10

    Books I would buy - so many for the Nook but I want a copy of Tumbleweed houses, Spin It, - mostly likly DIY and crafty sort of books as well as replace a few that we lost when we had a housefire.

  20. (I followed DJ's blog and Twitter as well)

  21. There's so many to choose from if I won the voucher! However, The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams, Forget You by Jennifer Echols, Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton come to mind. And if I don't win them and win the voucher, I will preorder Sweet Evil and/or buy Angelfall! :D (I already have Carrier of the Mark :P) As for critiques, any is wonderful except maybe the query. I'm not ready for querying yet.

    Name: Jessica Lynch
    Email: jlynch016@gmail.com
    Follower confirmation: Following as Lana Everheart through gmail account-my pen name-aka the account I'm using to write this :)
    Promotion confirmation: http://artofmsw.blogspot.com/2012/02/writing-and-contest.html

    Entries: + 9 Followed the blogs

  22. Hm, I don't know what book to choose if I won the gift card! I might buy Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare, Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake, Incarceron by Catherine Fisher, or Sweet Evil!

    Name: Lashanah Tillar
    Email: margherita.lily@yahoo.com
    Follower confirmation: On twitter I follow as LashanahTillar and on blogger I am Anah.
    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/LashanahTillar/status/168179889936150528
    Entries: +19 Followed all the blogs and twitter accounts. :)

    I'm interested in all the chapter critiques. Or the pre-order of Sweet Evil.

  23. If I got the voucher I would raid B&N’s YA, fantasy, and historical sections in search of more comparative titles for my novel. I’ve got a few specifics down as ‘maybe’s, but wouldn’t know for sure until I’ve had a good look.
    Name: Katherine Amabel
    Email: katherine_amabel at Hotmail
    Follower confirmation: followed the blogs with the above email and the twitter profiles with @katherineamabel
    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/KatherineAmabel/status/165560036410658817
    Entries: 15 (followed all twitter profiles and every blog which could be followed directly by email)
    Any of the critiques would be fantastically helpful – particularly the query ones – definitely put my name down for that.
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  24. What a pretty site! I love the colors! If I win the e-voucher, I would love to get books like BORN WICKED, DARKNESS FALLS, HALLOWED, SUPERNATURALLY, and VANISH! For the critiques, I would love a chance to win the query critique. I would enter for the other critiques, but my first chapter is plain wrong and needs to be rewritten.

    Name: Chen Chang
    Email: jadedlittlegirlx AT gmail DOT com
    Follower confirmation: GFC: Chen Yan Chang. (Yes, I’m also following you as “cyc” but I’m transferring my blog and stuff to a diff email account :P)
    Promotion confirmation: http://chenyanchang.blogspot.com/2012/02/sm-johnstons-web-launch-and-giveaway.html
    Entries: +8
    +1 Follow your twitter as “nodizzies”
    +1 Follow YAtopia as “GFC: Chen Yan Chang” (and "cyc")
    +1 Follow Kelley Vitollo’s blog
    +1 Follow Kelley’s twitter
    +1 Follow Wendy’s blog
    +1 Follow Wendy’s twitter
    +1 Follow Leigh’s blog
    +1 Follow Leigh’s twitter

  25. Beautiful!!

    This has been a fun Giveaway to enter 'cause I didn't already follow all the blogs and twitters... which means NEW FUN FINDS!!!!

    If I won, I will have to get some books off my Wishlist, and it sounds like Sweet Evil needs to go one it!! :-) Thx!!!

    I followed all the blogs and twitter links for 18 points unless the one twitter I was already following doesn't count. My GFC name is Laura "Burgandy Ice" Armstrong and my twitter is @BurgandyIce

    Here's my blog: www.burgandyice.blogspot.com (in case you want a face with the name) and I'm so happy to follow!!!

    Thank you!!! (And thx Chen for leading me here!)

  26. A chapter/first ten pages critique from YAtopian and Entangled author Kelley York would really be helpful right about now.

    With the vocher I would buy Anna Dressed in Blood, Incarceron, Sweet Evil and the newest Vampire Kisses novel!!

    Name: Christina Marie Morales
    Email: morales at love dot com
    Follower confirmation: follow the blogs with the above email and twitter profile @fearislove
    Promotion confirmation: https://twitter.com/#!/fearislove/status/169307265692733441
    Entries: +19 Followed all the blogs and twitter accounts. :)

  27. This blog rocks! Totally quirky, stylish, and you. Reminds me of a cool Betsy Johnson dress. Wait, are you related?
